March Meeting Update

I want to thank the membership who attended the meeting at HRO in Milwaukee last Saturday (3/17) for allowing me the opportunity to continue as a member of the WAR board, and for the board’s trust in me to continue as President. It is through the leadership of Greg, Chris, Corey, and Dave, that we’d been able to accomplish so much in the last 6-9 months. And it’s my hope that we can take this organization even further.

With the new by-laws in place, we now have seven board members. Along with myself, your new board include Rick W9RIX (Vice-President), Josh KC9WWH (Secretary), Chris KC9NVV (Treasurer), Bill WQ9A, Mike N9OEZ, and Tony KT9AC.

For now you can still reach me at, but in the near future we’ll also set up our website and email server to transition to the new titles per the by-laws. Keep an eye on the website for new information soon.

Until next time, 73 de Dean KB7QDI