Hello everyone. Just wanted to post that there have been cases where the information that WAR has in our database is no longer valid. If you or your organization has changed the primary contact, Holder of Coordination, phone number(s), as well as email and/or mailing address, please make sure to update us to those changes. Any correspondence that WAR sends usually goes to the primary contact, so if that has changed we definitely want to know.
Also, a reminder that the frequency pair that has been approved for you is based on the criteria that you submitted. If things have changed, i.e. new antenna, more power, changed PL/CTCSS, etc, then a updated form needs to be submitted to us BEFORE you actually make the change. The new criteria may cause an issue with another repeater on the same frequency, or even a repeater on a adjacent frequency, and we want to make sure that any possible interference is kept to a minimum. From our website, you can fill out a New/Modify Coordination form and send it to us via email or USPS.
Lastly, we are still looking for more volunteers to help with the organization. Please reach out to any of the board members, or Corey KB9BNA, for more information.
Other than that, I hope to hear many of you during the ARRL Field Day coming up June 22nd and 23rd.
Until next time, 73 de Dean KB7QDI