Webinar Information

Hey Everyone –

Hope you’re all enjoying this great summer weather! Can you believe August is almost gone? That also means our August Membership meeting is just around the corner on August 31st in beautiful Eau Claire, WI.

However, as we mentioned previously, we’re also going to try hosting this via a webinar as well and so, below is the information you will need to join the online web conference next Saturday.

Meeting Information

Meeting link: https://jamf.webex.com/jamf/j.php?MTID=md69353f8a9bd7b58c975418a154de0e3
Meeting number: 807 702 928
Password: war2019

More ways to join

Join by video system
Dial 807702928@jamf.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-429-3300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 807 702 928
Global call-in numbers Toll-free calling restrictions

Please note: This will be primarily one-way this time so you can see and hear what is being presented. But, if we are able we will monitor the chat as well to pass along any questions from those on the webinar to the meeting room.