Today we folded, stuffed, and stamped 167 annual updates for 2019. Most repeaters owners and clubs should receive something in the mail over the next few days.
The annual updates are very important, so please review them. If you have changes like email address, HoC or contact info, please make the changes to the update, sign it, then either mail it back, scan it and email it to us, or now scan and upload the document to the WAR website. Instructions are on the upper-right hand corner of the annual update form.
If there are changes to your repeater (power, antenna, height, etc), then notify us by filling out an updated coordination form, as this will require us to reexamine your setup to make sure that the changes don’t affect another repeater in the area. If you have any questions, please let us know as soon as possible.
Don’t forget our next membership meeting on March 21st at HRO in Milwaukee. Look forward to seeing you there!
Until next time, 73 de Dean KB7QDI