Good Evening Everyone –
I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful summer! It is once again time for us to meetup and discuss what the board has been working on as well as address any concerns the membership has. However, in compliance with the CDC, WHO and local ordinances, the August membership meeting will be held virtually online.
For our August membership meeting, we will be using Zoom as more people seem to be comfortable with it. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, I would recommend checking out this quick 1 minute video on how to join a meeting. We will open up the virtual meeting approx. 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to allow everyone a chance to join. Also, please be sure to enter your name and callsign in the name field when joining (as shown below).

Below, please find a copy of the agenda for the meeting.
I. Introductions II. Secretary's Report III. Treasurer's Report IV. Coordinator's Report V. Old Business VI. New Business i. Coordination Management ii. Knowledge-base / Documentation iii. Adoption of changes to WAR Policy VII. Adjournment
A couple of items to note here:
First, the board is proposing a change to the current Policy to only require periodic updates bi-annually instead of annually. With this change you’d only have to fill out the “annual update” every other year. You can see the proposed changes here.
Second, we are asking if anyone has any old or new business they would like to bring up at the meeting, please complete the form using the link below or email us at to have it added to the agenda.
That is all for tonight, but if you have any questions on the meeting, just email us at and we’ll be happy to follow-up with you.