You can now download a .csv file to import into your RT Systems radio programming software. The link is in the right column. For most users, simply right-click the “WI List for RT Systems” link, choose to “save link as” and save the .csv file to your computer. If you have comments, be sure to let us know!
Revised Coordination Forms
We’ve updated our Coordination Forms and the Instructions which support the new forms. What you’ll find is a new “C” form for all of your Contact information, and a “S” form for Station information. The new forms will handle ALL Station types; Repeater, Aux Repeater (remote receiver), Aux Link Receiver, Control Receiver, Point-to-Point Link, and Remote Base. Use these forms for a NEW system, or to MODIFY an existing station coordination. Use as many “S” forms as necessary to coordinate your system.
Listing Updates
The listings data has been updated. Several new systems are coming on-line throughout the State. Check out the latest data to find out more