Second Notices Sent Out Today

Happy Thursday Everyone!

This morning we sent out second notices via email if we had one on file for you. We received no bounce backs, so please be sure to check your email and review your annual update as soon as possible. For all others, we did mail out yours today so please review it as soon as you receive it.

Annual updates are required to maintain repeater coordination and we appreciate your help in keeping this information up-to-date and accurate. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to


2020 Annual Updates | 2nd Notices

Good Evening Everyone!

All received Annual Updates as of this evening have been processed and the repeater listings has been updated on the website accordingly. I must say, I am very happy to see that we only have 16 outstanding Annual Updates at this time. If you haven’t sent yours in yet, please email it to ASAP!

We’ll be reaching out in the coming weeks and sending out second notices to get these updates in so we can focus on some additional cleanup and projects.


March 2020 Membership Meeting Minutes

Good Day Everyone!

Thank you to all who were able to join the web conference yesterday and participate in our annual membership meeting. We actually had 25 people in attendance which is the same number we had at our March 2019 membership meeting, so very happy with that!

At this meeting, we had four director positions up for re-election. Following the meeting, the new Board of Directors met to determine what positions would be filled by whom. So please join me in welcoming our new Board of Directors!

President – Joshua Roskos KC9WWH
Vice-President – John Kruk N9UPC
Secretary – Rick Corgiat W9RIX
Treasurer – Chris Keezer KC9NVV
Director – Tony Casciato KT9AC
Director – Mike Waschbisch W2WAY
Director – Brent Cole W9CFV

With that, please find below the recording of the meeting as well as a link to the archived minutes here.

WAR Membership Meeting – March 21st 2020

We’d also ask that you take a moment to complete the survey below regarding this meeting. There are only 2 questions and a comments box and this will help us to improve future meetings.

If you need anything, please feel free to reach out to any one of the Board of Directors.